Sponsorship Forms

All children have been sent home with forms. They will be asking you to sponsor them – they might even ask if other friends and family. They could ask friends at school but make sure they check with you first and also with their parents that they are paying themselves (not with their parents money PLEASE). They will need to walk to school and back each day when they get home they can tick the box of. If you go on the bus you could go for a walk before you get on the bus. If you drive to school you could ask your parent to park a bit further away and walk into school. If you do not walk to school at all you can’t tick it off.

By Abbie

Spring 2 Topic – Dynamic Dynasties

Our topic this half term is Dynamic Dynasties. It is about ancient China and how they used to live. We have also learnt about their hierarchy/power. We have learnt about how China has grown and evolved over the last 1500 (or so) years ago. When the Dynamic Dynasties roamed, it was the bronze age and China was constantly in war but because of the bronze and the tools they made out of it, they nearly always won.

Did you know leaders of battle often had their horses buried with them so they could accompany them to the after-life.

By Emma

World Book Day !!!!!!!!

On Thursday the 7 March , it was world book day our theme was Elmer there were loads of different colours and costumes.We did lots of different activities: Making biscuts and decorating them, we did sport ,we also made ELMERS out of milk bottles and writing on elmer shaped cards.In the afternoon we selled books to all the children in all classes.

By Abbie

Red nose day

On Friday the 15th of march 2024 we all came in in red, the best house group colour EVER!!!! The theme this year is faces and a plain gold one. There are only three different types of red noses. We still did golden time and celebration assembly. Mrs Eastman got the GOLD NOSE !!!!!! (wow,i know). We all had so much fun and all the pupils and staff had a fantastic time. We hope you took part too! 

by Emma

Mini Police

Every Wednesday afternoon, we have mini police. It is a fun activity that lets us feel what it’s like to be police people in real life. We chose road safety as our topic this year. We get to learn road safety and learn about how police-people help keep everyone safe and sound. The policeman ( P.C Matt) told us about how many people are scared of the police and think they are there just to arrest us and put us in prison, but actually they are there to keep everyone safe and keep the country fair. My friend says ‘ I am really excited to do speed cameras on the final week.’ ( So am I).This week  P.C Matt is coming in in his full on uniform this week.

By Emma 

Harry Potter World – London Trip

My favourite part of the LONDON TRIP was Harry Potter World / Warner Bros Studios. Everything was Harry Potter themed. We went on a tour around all Harry Potter exhibits. There were so many statues and movies and costumes and cool rooms. There were passage ways and epic sculptures and some things you would never imagine. There was even butter beer (we did not get to try it ). Some things looked so life like that if you took a quick glance at it you would think it was real. Paige said ‘my favourite part was the workshop where we destroyed the cloth’. My favourite part was the main hall with the life size sculpture of a dragon. It was so cool !

By Emma

London trip

On the 30th of January, the year fives went to London with Umberliegh, Newton Tracy, High Bickington, Witheridge and Beaford. We stayed there for four days and three nights.

On the first day, we went to  Harry Potter world where we destroyed fabric. We also looked at some of the real costumes for the movie. Then we just wondered round in our school groups to see other things.

On  the second day, we went to the Houses of Parliament to take a tour and see our MP Selaine Saxby to ask her a few questions about her self  and what she thinks. Later, that day we went to the theatre to see the lion king.

On the third day, we went to the Natural History Museum and saw a white tiger ( Panthera tiger  ). Later on, we went to London Zoo and saw four real tigers ( bengal ) their names were Hari, Arli, Barney, Arise.

On the fourth and final day, we went to the science museum and went to the wonder lab with lots of cool interactive experiments. After that we were heading home with fifty eight very grumpy children.


By Paige Cunningham

Farm School

Farm school is when we go to a farm and learn about the farm. At farm school, we learn about vegetables and animals. We learn how to herd sheep. We feed animals such as cows and sheep. It is Farmer Ollie who hosts it  (Arthur’s dad). As they live on a farm we have to bring in non- school uniform (reminder for parents and carers!). I went the other day and got sheep poo all up the back of my legs (ha ha ha).

Christingle Service

On Friday was our Christingle service. Adrien and Sue (the people from the church) hosted our Christingle service. Kyah, Sophia and Gladys all read prayers. We have been practising songs for three weeks now and it paid off. We all sang amazingly and it sounded brilliant.

Lantern Parade

On the 1st of December we did a lantern parade where the ‘ whole school ‘ walked down into the village square  and sung some Christmas carols shine Jesus shine, calypso carol, jingle bells (  with the jambie jams ) and we sang we three kings. There was a BBQ and some other stalls but in the church there  was a Santa’s grotto and on the way in was the Grinch was there handing out sweets in a sack.

By Paige