Farm to Fork in Class 2

This week, we Digital Leaders have been finding out what Class 2 have been learning.

“In Class Two, we have been learning about multiplication and Year Two have recently started Times Table Rock Stars,” commented Kyah.

“In Literacy, we have been writing about farm machinery,” remarked Zack.

In R.E the children have been learning about Muslims. In science, they are finding about materials like wood, plastic, metal and water. Kyah’s favourite material is fabric and Zack’s favourite is metal. In P.E, the children have been learning about gymnastics and they jumped off the gym horses. Outside, they played “D to D”. In PSHE, they learned about money. During guided reading, Kyah did homophones and Zack read books and learnt new words. In phonics, Kyah does homophones and Zack learns 2 letter sounds. Kyah said her favourite lesson is science and Zack said his is phonics.

In next week’s installment, find out about the latest happenings in Class 1 and the Preschool.


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